// Inside the function "this" will be "document" when called by ready() // and "the ajaxed element" when called because of onAjaxLoad var mediaboxInit = function() { //console.log(box_settings); var options = { transition:box_settings.trans, speed:box_settings.speed, maxWidth:box_settings.maxW, maxHeight:box_settings.maxH, minWidth:box_settings.minW, minHeight:box_settings.minH, opacity:box_settings.opa, slideshowSpeed:box_settings.ssSpeed, slideshowStart:box_settings.str_ssStart, slideshowStop:box_settings.str_ssStop, current:box_settings.str_cur, previous:box_settings.str_prev, next:box_settings.str_next, close:box_settings.str_close, splash_url:box_settings.splash_url }; // passer le portfolio de la dist en mode galerie if (box_settings.sel_g){ jQuery(box_settings.sel_g, this).not('.hasbox,#colorbox') .attr("onclick","") // se debarrasser du onclick de SPIP .colorbox(jQuery.extend({}, options, {rel:'galerieauto',slideshow:true,slideshowAuto:false})) .addClass("hasbox"); } if (box_settings.tt_img) { // selectionner tous les liens vers des images jQuery("a[type=\'image/jpeg\'],a[type=\'image/png\'],a[type=\'image/gif\']",this).not('.hasbox') .attr("onclick","") // se debarrasser du onclick de SPIP .colorbox(options) // activer la box .addClass("hasbox") // noter qu\'on l\'a vue ; } // charger la box sur autre chose if (box_settings.sel_c){ jQuery(box_settings.sel_c).not('.hasbox') .colorbox(jQuery.extend({}, options, {slideshow:true,slideshowAuto:false})) .addClass("hasbox") // noter qu\'on l\'a vue ; } }; /* initialiser maintenant si box_settings est deja la * nb en cas de defer sur le chargement du scipt javascript principal */ if (typeof(box_settings)!='undefined') (function($){ if(typeof onAjaxLoad == "function") onAjaxLoad(mediaboxInit); $(mediaboxInit); })(jQuery); ;(function ($) { /* * overlayClose: (Boolean:false) Allow click on overlay to close the dialog? * iframe: (Boolean:false) Open box in iframe * minHeight: (Number:200) The minimum height for the container * minWidth: (Number:200) The minimum width for the container * maxHeight: (Number:null) The maximum height for the container. If not specified, the window height is used. * maxWidth: (Number:null) The maximum width for the container. If not specified, the window width is used. * autoResize: (Boolean:false) Resize container on window resize? Use with caution - this may have undesirable side-effects. * onOpen: (Function:null) The callback function used in place of SimpleModal's open * onShow: (Function:null) The callback function used after the modal dialog has opened * onClose: (Function:null) The callback function used in place of SimpleModal's close */ $.fn.mediabox = function (options) { var cbox_options = { overlayClose: true, iframe: false, maxWidth:box_settings.maxW, maxHeight:box_settings.maxH, minWidth:box_settings.minW, minHeight:box_settings.minH, opacity:box_settings.opa, slideshowStart:box_settings.str_ssStart, slideshowStop:box_settings.str_ssStop, current:box_settings.str_cur, previous:box_settings.str_prev, next:box_settings.str_next, close:box_settings.str_close, onOpen: (options && options.onOpen) || null, onComplete: (options && options.onShow) || null, onClosed: (options && options.onClose) || null }; return this.colorbox($.extend(cbox_options,options)); }; $.mediaboxClose = function () {$.fn.colorbox.close();}; // API modalbox $.modalbox = function (href, options) {$.fn.mediabox($.extend({href:href,inline:href.match(/^#/),overlayClose:true},options));}; $.modalboxload = function (url, options) { $.modalbox(url,options); }; $.modalboxclose = $.mediaboxClose; })(jQuery);